1. Make sure that all your cameras and video equipment are charged and ready to go. Plus our Santa asks that if smokers are in attendance that they keep their distance, otherwise they may end up on Santa's naughty list.
2. Make sure that Santa has a parking spot that is close by the event, Somewhere he can change into/out off his Suit if required.
3. If you have gifts or items to be handed out, Santa is more than happy to do so. Please have gifts well marked with printed names that are well taped to the package, or better yet, printed with a bold marker right on the package in a legible color, as tape can fall off.
4. Make sure that everyone is there prior to Santa arriving. You can arrange to have Santa call you when he is 5 minutes away, so that you can get everyone ready.
5. Have a sturdy chair for Santa to sit in. A straight back dining room style chair without arms is a perfect choice. Please nothing with wheels!
6. Place this chair near your tree or wherever you want so as to get a nice background for the pictures. Leave enough room for people to also stand behind the chair.
(or other Special Events)
(Where children are attending and/or where crowd control could be an issue)
1. Again see numbers 1, 2, 5 & 7 from the Home Visits section.
2. ALWAYS address Santa as Santa!
3. Know where everything is at the facility beforehand (restrooms, etc.).
4. Depending upon how long Santa is scheduled for, a break area for Santa may be needed so that he can change in/out of his suit and take a break. Please have cold water available.
5. Santa may need a fan and water as well. An indoor event can get very warm and crowded. As Santa is wearing a heavy suit, he can get over heated. Having a small fan placed near where he is to sit and aiming at his upper body does wonders.
6. Santa needs hourly breaks - 10 minutes for every 1 hour sitting. Work this out prior to the event. And if Santa is walking around and standing at the event, additional breaks will be needed. Again, discuss this with Santa prior to the event.
7. Have a way to control the crowd with a line of some sort. Elves or helpers are a good idea.
8. Santa will NOT lift, handle or carry any child. Parents should take their child to Santa.
9. Make sure that all faces and hands of the kids are clean and not messy/sticky. Have a batch of wipes available along with a Rubbish container nearby.
10. Keep the line moving. Some will want to take lots of pictures - assuming a professional photographer is not present and/or this is allowed. But just because their camera can hold 200 pictures doesn’t mean they can tie up the line.